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Important GK Question/Answers on Rivers for Competitive Exams

General Knowledge (GK) is really important when you’re getting ready for competitive exams. It covers a lot of different subjects and gives you a wide range of information. When it comes to competitive exams, GK Questions on Rivers about the rivers in India are really important. Rivers are not just important because they’re part of the geography of the country, but they also have a big impact on the culture, history, and environment of India. That’s why it’s so crucial to study and understand the rivers of India when you’re preparing for competitive exams.

10 Questions About Rivers – GK Questions on Rivers

Q.1: Which river is the longest in the world?

Ans.: The Nile River is the longest river in the world, stretching approximately 4,135 miles (6,650 kilometers).

Q. 2: Which river flows through the Grand Canyon in the United States?

Ans.: The Colorado River flows through the Grand Canyon in the United States.

Q. 3: Which river is considered sacred in Hinduism and is known as the “Ganga” in India?

Ans.: The Ganges River is considered sacred in Hinduism and is known as the “Ganga” in India.

Q. 4: Which river forms part of the border between the United States and Mexico?

Ans.: The Rio Grande (or Rio Bravo) forms part of the border between the United States and Mexico.

Q.5: Which river is the longest in Europe?

Ans.: The Volga River is the longest river in Europe, flowing through Russia.

GK Questions on Rivers of World – GK Questions on Rivers

Q. 6: Which river is associated with the city of Rome?

Ans.: The Tiber River is associated with the city of Rome in Italy.

Q. 7: Which river is the lifeline of Egypt and flows northward into the Mediterranean Sea?

Ans.: The Nile River is the lifeline of Egypt and flows northward into the Mediterranean Sea.

Q. 8: In which continent is the Amazon River located?

Ans.: The Amazon River is located in South America.

Q. 9: Which river is known as the “Yellow River” due to the color of its sediment-rich waters?

Ans.: The Huang He, also known as the Yellow River, is named for the color of its sediment-rich waters.

Q. 10: Which river is associated with the city of Paris?

Ans.: The Seine River is associated with the city of Paris in France.

Indian River Questions and Answers – GK Questions on Rivers

Q. 11: Which river flows through the capital cities of Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, and Belgrade?

Ans.: The Danube River flows through the capital cities of Vienna (Austria), Bratislava (Slovakia), Budapest (Hungary), and Belgrade (Serbia).

Q. 12: Which river is the longest in Africa?

Ans.: The Nile River is also the longest river in Africa.

Q. 13: Which river is known as the “River of Sorrows” in China?

Ans.: The Huang He (Yellow River) is known as the “River of Sorrows” in China due to its history of devastating floods.

Q. 14: Which river is famous for its delta, often referred to as the “Sundarbans,” and is home to the Bengal tiger?

Ans.: The Ganges River is famous for its delta, known as the Sundarbans, and is home to the Bengal tiger.

Most Important GK Questions on Rivers of India with Explanation

Q. 1: Which river is infamous as the Sorrow of Bengal?

Ans.: Damodar River
Explanation: The Damodar River is known as the “Sorrow of Bengal” due to its frequent flooding and the devastation it causes in the region.

Q. 2: Which river is also known as Dakshin Ganga?

Ans.: Godavari
Explanation: The Godavari River is known as Dakshin Ganga. It is one of the major rivers in India, often referred to as the “Ganges of the South.”

Q. 3: _____ is known as the Sorrow of Bihar.

Ans.: Koshi River
Explanation: The Koshi River is known as the “Sorrow of Bihar” because of its tendency to cause floods and change its course, resulting in widespread damage to the region.

Q. 4: Name the river in India that crosses the Tropic of Cancer twice?

Ans.: Mahi River
Explanation: The Mahi River in India crosses the Tropic of Cancer twice, making it a unique geographical feature.

Q. 5: Which river has the largest basin in India?

Ans.: Ganga
Explanation: The Ganga River has the largest basin in India, covering a vast area and contributing significantly to the country’s water resources.

Q. 6: Name an Indian river known as the Salt River?

Ans.: Luni
Explanation: The Luni River in India is often referred to as the “salt river” due to its high salinity levels.

Q. 7: Which is the longest river in India?

Ans.: Ganga
Explanation: The Ganga River is the longest river in India, flowing through several states and playing a crucial role in the country’s culture and economy.

Q. 8: What are the two headstreams of Ganga?

Ans.: Bhagirathi and Alaknanda
Explanation: The Ganga River has two main headstreams – the Bhagirathi and the Alaknanda – which meet at Devprayag to form the Ganga.

Q. 9: Which river flows through the rift valley in India?

Ans.: Narmada
Explanation: The Narmada River flows through a rift valley in India, known as the Narmada Rift Valley.

Q. 10: Name the place where Alaknanda and Bhagirathi join and take the name Ganga?

Ans.: Devprayag

Explanation: Devprayag is the confluence point where the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi rivers meet to form the Ganga River.

Questions about Rivers with answers – GK Questions on Rivers

Q. 11: Which river is a habitat for freshwater dolphins?

Ans.: Ganga
Explanation: The Ganga River is a habitat for freshwater dolphins, specifically the Ganges River Dolphin.

Q. 12: Name the river originates from Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh?

Ans.: Narmada

Explanation: The Narmada River originates from Amarkantak in Madhya Pradesh.

Q. 13: Name the river that originates as well as ends within the territory of India?

Ans.: Chambal
Explanation: The Chambal River is a main tributary of the Yamuna River and flows through the states of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan in India. It originates in the Vindhya Range and ends within the territory of India.

Q. 14: Name the river known as Dakshina Ganga?

Ans.: Godavari
Explanation: The Godavari River is known from the name ofDakshina Ganga. It is the second-longest river in India and is often referred to as the “Ganges of the South.” It flows through central and southeastern India.

Q. 15: Indira Sagar Dam located in Madhya Pradesh is built on which river?

Ans.: Narmada
Explanation: The Indira Sagar Dam is built on the Narmada River in Madhya Pradesh, India. The Narmada is a major river that flows through central India and has significant hydroelectric and irrigation projects associated with it.

Q. 16: Krishna Raja Sagara Dam, located in Karnataka is built on which river?

Ans.: Cauvery
Explanation: The Krishna Raja Sagara Dam is located in Karnataka, India, and is built on the river Cauvery. The dam plays a crucial role in water supply and irrigation in the region.

Q. 17: On which river Ajmer is situated?

Ans.: Luni
Explanation: Ajmer city is situated in Rajasthan, India. It is drained by the headstreams of the Luni River, which flows southwestward through the region.